31($this->config_php_file->get('dbms')); /** @var \phpbb\db\driver\driver_interface $dbal_connection */ $this->dbal_connection = new $dbal_driver_class(); $this->dbal_connection->sql_connect( $this->config_php_file->get('dbhost'), $this->config_php_file->get('dbuser'), $this->config_php_file->get('dbpasswd'), $this->config_php_file->get('dbname'), $this->config_php_file->get('dbport'), false, defined('PHPBB_DB_NEW_LINK') && PHPBB_DB_NEW_LINK ); } $this->container->set('dbal.conn.driver', $this->dbal_connection); } } /** * Returns the core parameters. * * @return array An array of core parameters */ protected function get_core_parameters() { return array_merge( array( 'core.root_path' => $this->phpbb_root_path, 'core.php_ext' => $this->php_ext, 'core.environment' => $this->get_environment(), 'core.debug' => defined('DEBUG') ? DEBUG : false, 'core.cache_dir' => $this->get_cache_dir(), ), $this->get_env_parameters() ); } /** * Gets the environment parameters. * * Only the parameters starting with "PHPBB__" are considered. * * @return array An array of parameters */ protected function get_env_parameters() { $parameters = array(); foreach ($_SERVER as $key => $value) { if (0 === strpos($key, 'PHPBB__')) { $parameters[strtolower(str_replace('__', '.', substr($key, 9)))] = $value; } } return $parameters; } /** * Get the filename under which the dumped container will be stored. * * @return string Path for dumped container */ protected function get_container_filename() { $container_params = [ 'phpbb_root_path' => $this->phpbb_root_path, 'use_extensions' => $this->use_extensions, 'config_path' => $this->config_path, ]; return $this->get_cache_dir() . 'container_' . md5(implode(',', $container_params)) . '.' . $this->php_ext; } /** * Get the filename under which the dumped extensions autoloader will be stored. * * @return string Path for dumped extensions autoloader */ protected function get_autoload_filename() { $container_params = [ 'phpbb_root_path' => $this->phpbb_root_path, 'use_extensions' => $this->use_extensions, 'config_path' => $this->config_path, ]; return $this->get_cache_dir() . 'autoload_' . md5(implode(',', $container_params)) . '.' . $this->php_ext; } /** * Return the name of the current environment. * * @return string */ protected function get_environment() { return $this->environment ?: PHPBB_ENVIRONMENT; } private function register_ext_compiler_pass() { $finder = new Finder(); $finder ->name('*_pass.php') ->path('di/pass') ->files() ->ignoreDotFiles(true) ->ignoreUnreadableDirs(true) ->ignoreVCS(true) ->followLinks() ->in($this->phpbb_root_path . 'ext') ; /** @var \SplFileInfo $pass */ foreach ($finder as $pass) { $filename = $pass->getPathname(); $filename = substr($filename, 0, -strlen('.' . $pass->getExtension())); $filename = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $filename); $className = preg_replace('#^.*ext/#', '', $filename); $className = '\\' . str_replace('/', '\\', $className); if (class_exists($className) && in_array('Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler\CompilerPassInterface', class_implements($className), true)) { $this->container->addCompilerPass(new $className()); } } } }
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'phpbb\di\container_builder' not found in /home/acumstiu/gpszone.ro/common.php:114 Stack trace: #0 /home/acumstiu/gpszone.ro/viewforum.php(20): include() #1 {main} thrown in /home/acumstiu/gpszone.ro/common.php on line 114